
来源:大河网 时间:2023-02-20 22:51:36

"Zhongyu" Freight Train Trips Exceed 7,000



"OnefreighttraindepartedtoEuropeearlyinthemorning,asecondtoCentralAsiathisafternoon, and there will be one more to Europe tonight," said Gong Yundan, a director of the CR Intermodal Zhengzhou Terminal in Central China"s Henan province, who was busy with her tasks on February 17. "It"s just normal."


Early in the spring, the "Zhongyu" China Railway Express freight trains have already been shuttling back and forth between Henan and other places in the world. According to Zhengzhou Customs, the "Zhongyu" freight train trips have exceeded 7 thousand trips since their debut in July, 2013.


Since this year, "Zhongyu" freight capacity has made new progress with the recovery of foreign trade.


"Our outbound and inbound trips are popular with customers. New orders come in every 2 or 3 minutes. So far, our services within 30 days have been fully booked." According to Kang Yan, deputy general manager of Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Co. Ltd., as China"s COVID-19 prevention and control has entered a new stage, logistics and the operation of industrial and supply chains are in full swing.


Connecting domestic and overseas markets, the "Zhongyu" freight trains have become "locomotive envoys" of the ancient Silk Road and injected new vitality into Henan"s opening-up. Over the last decade, the coverage of "Zhongyu" rail freight network has constantly expanded. Now, the new business model consisting of 20 direct international destinations and 8 exit/entry ports has seen accelerating pace in the development of multimodal transport and integration of transport and trade, serving more than 12 thousand foreign trade enterprises in the world.

连通境内外,辐射东中西。以中欧班列(中豫号)为主要载体的“陆上丝绸之路”让河南内陆开放高地建设持续迈上新台阶。近十年来,随着全省陆港班列统筹整合,班列“织线成网”,越开越密、越跑越快,形成了“20个境外直达站点、8个出入境口岸”的国际物流网络布局。目前,多式联运、运贸一体化等新模式新业态加速发展,服务进出口企业超1.2万家。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/王延辉 孙静 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 审校/丁岚)

关键词: 今年以来 忙得不可开交 丝绸之路 郑州中心 副总经理


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